"Fascinating decoupage of possible options. More than I've seen,
actually. Still no winners. Nevertheless, one free cocktail for you
the next time we meet! :-)"
Awrite! Also, I must try to incorporate that word into my
converstion, as soon as I, uh, find out what it means...
One entry found for decoupage.
Main Entry: de·cou·page
Variant(s): or dé·cou·page /"dA-(")kü-'päzh/
Function: noun
Etymology: French découpage, literally, act of cutting out, from
Middle French, from decouper to cut out, from de- + couper to cut --
more at COPE
1 : the art of decorating surfaces by applying cutouts (as of paper)
and then coating with usually several layers of finish (as lacquer or
2 : work produced by decoupage
- decoupage or découpage transitive verb
Hmm...this may not be so easy, but i shall do my best to decoupage my
converstaion with it every now and then. It will add a certain,
keskoosay*, *decoupage* to my speech, I think, je ne ce quas?*
*I don't know how to spell those things, but I used to hear French
people - I used to have a Parisian girlfriend - parleyvooing them all
the time.