Please Recommend?
On Fri, 5 Dec 2003 18:37:00 -0800 (PST),
(Richard's ~JA~) wrote:
>Exactly. I am totally unsure of what beans to buy. Could someone
>please just post or email me directly with a what and where to buy a
>very small "starter" bag of beans to begin with? I'd rather not spend
>$30 for a pound of beans that may be less than rich and *COFFEE*
>tasting, so please help me out with something to try first?
How can we possibly know what your tastes are? There is no one best
coffee. They all taste like COFFEE, pretty much. As I mentioned in an
earlier post, most supermarkets carry a brand or 2 of modestly priced
beans (8 O'Clock, Millstone, Starbucks) in several varieties. It's
like saying "what cheese should I buy?" If you have no idea of what
cheese tastes like, there's little point in getting recommendations
for Brie or Gorganzola or Montrachet or Cheddar or Philadelphia brand.
Although *I* don't think coffee covers such a wide range of flavors.
In fact, while whole-bean, grind it yourself coffee is generally
*better* than pre-ground in a can, it's not an entirely different
beverage experience. It's just good coffee.