On 22-Oct-2004, "Tyler Hopper" > wrote:
> "Brick" > wrote in message ...
> >
> > On 21-Oct-2004, "bk" > wrote:
> >
> > > "Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> > > om...
> > > >
> > > > "bk" > wrote in message
<humongous snip>
> My sentiments exactly Brick. Every once in a while I'll admit to taking a peek.
> But the meat never moves unless I discover I've placed it so an end is cooking
> too fast or something.
About the hardest thing for me to learn was to avoid peeking every few minutes.
Early on though, I learned to approximate how long a cook would take and then
force myself to not look until at least the 2/3rds point. Eventually I got to where
I don't even insert a temp probe until then. I hear what you're saying about one
end cooking to fast. I have to watch out for that when my pit is completely full.
That's one exception to my no peek rule. My pit is a lot hotter next to the firebox
then on the other end.
> The only thing I will mop is a cheese cloth enrobed turkey to keep the skin
> moist and tender until it's almost done. About 30 min. before it's finished, I
> will disrobe it and crisp the skin.
I haven't roasted a bird in quite some time. I've pretty much taken to spatchcock
and grill. I roasted quite a few birds a couple of years back though and I can't
knock that either.
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