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  #15 (permalink)   Report Post  
Tristán White
Posts: n/a

>"British Food... that's an oxymoron, no question about it, eh.:
>That's exactly the thought that went through my mind too....but I didn't
>have the nerve to post it!


Sigh! I'm British and live here. I was just wondering when the last
time was that you guys actually went out to eat around London, and
tried some excellent British nouvelle cuisine.

Back in the 60s and 70s British food was nasty and insipid. But over
the past twenty years there has been a revolution. Just see how many
restaurants with Michelin stars there are in the country. Some
wonderful food over here. The British are also extremely experimental
and willing to try stuff that they would never dream about twenty
years ago.

It's a nasty stereotype... it would be like a Brit assuming that
American cuisine is all McDonalds and Burger Kings and TGI Fridays and
all the horrible fast food joints that litter cities worldwide. But of
course there's much more to US cuisine than that! However, stereotypes
are hard to shake off.

Please do not stereotype or leap to conclusions! Unless you actually
live here and experience British cuisine daily... I wouldn't dream of
stereotyping American food in the same way.