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  #163 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"baker" wrote:


> While some of these trendy drinks may be very appealing, it's a shame
> that some a**hole decided to brand them "martinis", which they clearly
> are not. Every dictionary reference I can find defines a martini as "a
> cocktail made of gin (or vodka) with dry vermouth". These new drinks are
> no more martinis than is a Black or White Russian, which are not that
> different from these new drinks, IMNSHO.
> One recent martini encounter began with a cocktail waitress suggesting
> one of various of the new "martinis", to which I replied, "I want a
> martini, not a fruit cocktail!"

An acquaintance of mine is known to retort: "I can get a milkshake at

> To avoid future such idiocy, I now order a Beefeater Gibson with extra
> onion...

Really? And no one says "What's that?"

<although once when I ordered something and gave a list of its ingredients,
I did have one waitperson ask "Is that what's in it?" >