Cube Steaks
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> "Of course you can have it with brown gravy... that's another thang we
> do
> with it down here in the southern US <G>
> Jill"
> Well, that's nice to know - I was afraid of getting lynched or
> something, seeing as I now live in the South!
> I was thinking....perhaps I could concoct a white gravy using
> lactose-free milk. Ya think?
Whereabouts in the south? Couldn't hurt to try the lactose-free milk to
make the gravy. I'd say just put lots of pepper in it. Or what the hell,
go with the brown gravy.
There is a Dixie Cafe in Memphis which is in an old house on Poplar Avenue
formerly owned by Kemmons Wilson (he of Holiday Inn hotels fame). They
serve their country fried steak with brown gravy. No shame in a good brown
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