Thread: Brisket ideas
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bk wrote:
> I guess I'm probly looking most for rubs and method. Sauce would be on side.
> The concern is dried out meat, if not mopped or basted. We had some really
> bad
> briskets, but we loved Big Jim's which is obviously simple, very moist and
> tasty.

Hey, bk

I use this recipe and marinade/soak the brisket plus inject, let sit for
3 days than cook. I don't use it to mop as I cook my brisket indirect.

Brisket Mop – Walter Jetton

1 qt. Beef stock
1 cup Worcestershire
½ cup Vinegar, white
½ cup Oil
2.25 tsp. Salt
2.25 tsp. Mustard, dry
2.25 tsp. MSG/Accent
2.25 tsp. Paprika
1.5 tsp. Tabasco
1.5 tsp. Garlic powder
1.5 tsp. Chili powder
..75 tsp Bay leaf, ground

Combine all ingredients, bring to a boil, remove from heat, let stand
over night.

Pied, aka sweets, aka mike willsey