In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> That's tonight's supper.
> Vegetable soup with barley; made from beef and chicken broth. Popovers
> are out of the oven in six minutes.
> Apple Crisp for two from my Betty Crocker Dinner For Two cookbook,
> received as a bridal shower gift about 160 years ago. "-) It's going
> into the oven right now. Haralson apples.
> It's good to be us. It sucks to be you.
I just put a couple pictures on my webpage -- the popovers are great --
and so easy to make; I should do it more often. I should've baked the
apple crisp another 5-10 minutes or so. The soup was as good s it was
two nights ago -- I put some dried mushrooms in it that came from my
cousin in Czechoslovakia in 1992. It was almost as good as the mushroom
barley soup at the Second Ave Deli in New Yawk.
-Barb, <> Updated 10-22-04; Popovers!.
"Peace will come when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
-Jimi Hendrix, and Lt. Joe Corcoran, Retired; St. Paul PD, Homicide Divn.