Jeff -
Neat site! Are you able to leave the vines outside in the winter
? Or do you protect them in some fashion? If Cab. Franc can stand
being outside all year, you must have a whole lot milder climate than
we do in Minnesota (also about 45th parallel)!
"Jeff Chorniak" > wrote in message >...
> To all:
> The Africus Rex winery page has been given the seasonal update again; if
> you're interested. I know some have been following the experiment since the
> beginning. I'm still getting emails from all over the globe.
> Africus Rex has undergone a major, major change in grape growing, as you
> will see. Even so, the chage has increased health in the vines in spite of
> the garbage weather we've had this summer. Autumn weather has been
> extraordianry for ripening conditions.
> The web page has changed quite at bit to focus more on the new growing
> technique, and will be updated accordingly.
> Check out:
> Regards
> Jeff Chorniak