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Never use any recycled paper in a microwave because of minute amounts
of metal often found in recycled paper. Use a new (non-recycled)
paper plate, or one of those plastic covers especially made for
microwaves. (By the way, the photocopy repairman at my office told us
never to use any recycled paper in a photocopier or a printer because
of the metal often found in recycled paper -- it will eventually ruin
a printer, and some copier manufacturers consider the warranty voided
if recycled paper is put through the machines.)

(Rick) wrote in message . com>...
> Has anyone had any recent experience with this ? We recently
> purchased a 1200W (stronger than our previous) Kenmore model microwave
> and have had two incidents where a dry paper towel placed on top of a
> ceramic bowel ignited (the first time, we thought, was a fluke). I
> and the friends I have spoken to have microwaved foods for years using
> dry paper towels without this problem so I'm really puzzled here.
> Is it 'normal' behavior for a microwave to ignite a dry paper towel
> sitting on top of a microwave-safe cooking vessel ? Are there
> different types of microwaves, as far as the radiation type they
> produce, which might make certain models more prone to do this than
> others ? Might there be any other explanations, a faulty oven perhaps
> ? My initial inclination is to get what seems to be a genuine fire
> hazard the heck out of my kitchen, but before I do I was hoping that
> someone can help me understand this better. Thanks in advance for
> your help.
> Rick