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  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>>You've started like I think most of us have.... Please check Jack's site
>>for recipes, directions, etc.

> This is what I mean by "a tad confused"..
> ..all seem to suggest conflicting views.

I always read the instructions. My anti-pectin enzyme says to wait 24
hours before adding yeast.

>>guess I would stir 2tx a day to help the fermentation along with a little
>>extra oxygen - sounds like you have it under a bung and airlock already.

> I do now, the lid was left loose for the first 2-3 days.
>>guess I would wait a few more days to see if the fermentation continues to
>>increase or starts to decrease. I would wait until it decreases
>>considerably before racking off the lees to a carboy with bung and airlock.

> What is "lees" and "carboy" ?

Lees is the muck that drops to the bottom of your primary fermenting
vessel, dead yeast, pollen, insects etc. I raise mine onto a table and
use a long flexible plastic tube to siphon the juice into the secondary
fermenter. A carbouy is usually a 5 or 6 gallon glass container for
secondary fermenting/bulk aging.

>>It is hard to say because it sounds like you didn't have a hydrometer to
>>check what your starting SG was.

> That is correct.
>>Nevertheless, if you do get one and test,
>>I would wait until the SG is at or below 1 before racking. At least then,
>>you know it has fermented almost to dry.... Good-luck.

> I must get a meter.

In the UK they cost £3 (about $5) at most, get a trial jar or a wine
thief too.

Be careful, this hobby is addictive. I get more enjoyment out of
planning the recipes, making the wine and watching peoples faces go
"aaahh, thats good" than I do drinking the stuff (which I still get
considerable enjoyment from) Grr, want to start my next batch now (my
first pear wine); must bucket is in use though.