"winemonger" in om...
> It's perfect weather for a bowl of Tafelspitz, and the
> only place to go is Plachutta.
> I am terribly jealous.
> e.
I think we might argue about that. Plachutta can be very good -- I have
their menu on file here in Califnrnia -- and is well established for this
specialty, but it is hardly the only option.
I will of course defer to Hr. P on this matter, he is a genuine authority.
I recall his writings when I used to subscribe to the Viennese food-wine
magazine _Falstaff,_ in the United States in the 1990s.
(You have read Wechsberg's immortal essay on Tafelspitz, I hope. It's in
_Blue Trout and Black Truffles_ and other sources.)