Joel wrote:
> In article >, dgs > wrote:
>>I can wait. One of my locals had SN Harvest on tap, and AFAIC, that can
>>hang around for a few more weeks. Let SNCA come out after Christmas, as
>>it should. Meanwhile, there are already discounted cases of Jubel on
>>sale at Costco. Feh. So much for "holiday" beers. It's *OCTOBER*,
>>f'cryin' out loud!
> Bigfoot is for after Christmas. I like my SNCA to be
> readily available before Thanksgiving (which is a holiday,
> you culturally insensitive brute).
Och, ye heathen laddie. Thanksgiving is a fookin' *harvest* feast. So
drink the beers that celebrate the bounty making your table and belly
groan. There's time enough for the likes of SNCA right after that.