>gwehrenb screams:
> bill payt-- are you angered if you have to stand in line at a
>cashier's position or do you think it should be the waiter's duty to
>handle the payment?
Angered? What the hell about, waiting? Why does it matter? Either way you
still need to wait... usually much longer for the server to pick up your
payment and deliver your change than you would for a couple of folks ahead of
you at a cashier... folks in a hurry are who typically frequent the eaterys
where there's a cashier (a baby step above fast food), 'cause servers handling
cash slows things down considerably. Typically normal brained folks know in
advance, when first entering the establishment, that payment is made to the
cashier directly, so there is no logic for posing your query... perhaps you're
just an ordinarily angry individual, spoiled rotten, thinks somehow you're the
center of the universe, deserving of extrordinary special consideration, NOT!
Actually you're just dumb, for being incapable of reading the sign at the
cashier's counter ("PAY HERE").
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."