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Edwin Pawlowski
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"PENMART01" > wrote in message

> I've never yet experienced a hazardous waste fee for lubication fluids,
> they're
> not a hazzard unless improperly disposed of.

That varies by state. I work in MA and any waste oil is considered
hazardous material. We have 15 machines and each one has a hydrualic
system. Each tank hold 55 gallons of oil. I can have 15 or 500 machines,
and that is not a problem. As soon as I empty one of the systems into a
drum, it is now hazardous material and must be marked, put in a marked
location and we can only have 3 drums at any time. The state DEP does
inspections and aduits my disposal records. I pay 20¢ a gallon to get rid
of it.

I live in CT. Uses motor oil must be recycled and the town trash
contractors will take it. Now, the typicla auto takes 4 or 5 quarts for an
oil change. So our enlightened elected officials have a maximum of 2 quarts
a week for disposal. The oil is burned in a heater at the town garage.

> Lubricating fluids don't go "bad"
> they are collected and reclaimed. The service station actually makes
> money
> selling those 55gal drums of used oil to the reclaiming facility...

They used to. The states that I'm familiar with have changed all that and
we pay to have it taken away. I have on occasion, recently seen
re-processed oil for sale. I used it for years in some of my cars.

> all of a measly $5/wk for trash pick up... why anyone would desire to
> pollute
> their own land just to save a few bucks is beyond my comprehension... but
> lots
> do, I see it all over, some morons are so proud of their personal garbage
> dump
> that they even perceive it as a real estate enhancement, they actually
> show it
> off to guests on the grand tour same as they would their indoor plumbing ,
> geeze!

Some city folk will not believe you but it is true. I've seen it. I can
name names and locations.