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  #254 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 24 Oct 2004 20:35:03 GMT, (PENMART01)

> > "Kswck"
> >=====
> >> I've never yet experienced a hazardous waste fee for lubication fluids,
> >> they're not a hazzard unless improperly disposed of.

> >=====

> >Isn't it a federal law that says that gas/repair stations (that provide
> >services other than JUST gas, HAVE to take lubricating fluids for recycle?

> You obviously have a serious problem with reading comprehension... have someone
> with a normal IQ read the entire post to you.

I don't think Kswck was trying to appear stupid. I think
s/he was asking a question. If they do recycle used motor
oil that any Joe Blow brings in - that's news to me, because
I'm not a home mechanic. If they do it, the oil companies
aren't certainly aren't doing it out of their concern for
the environment.... so is the service federally mandated or
state mandated?

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