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  #256 (permalink)   Report Post  
Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a


> What really frosts me is, you go out to dinner. The waiter brings the
> check, and say it's $22.50. You give him a $50 bill, and he asks, "Do
> you want change?" You can guarantee - whatever I WAS going to leave
> him just got cut to a single dollar!

I agree with so much of your post, let me zero in on the one place we
differ. I almost always leave exact change including the tip so that
the server needn't bring me anything back. I'm sure many others do the
same. With the answer so often being "we're all set," I couldn't blame
the server for asking that question to everyone without looking at the
check or the dollar amount to see if the question makes sense. So I
don't punish the server for asking. I just say "yes, I do need change"
and tip normally.
