Julia Altshuler
>> What really frosts me is, you go out to dinner. The waiter brings the
>> check, and say it's $22.50. You give him a $50 bill, and he asks, "Do
>> you want change?" You can guarantee - whatever I WAS going to leave
>> him just got cut to a single dollar!
>I agree with so much of your post, let me zero in on the one place we
>differ. I almost always leave exact change including the tip so that
>the server needn't bring me anything back. I'm sure many others do the
>same. With the answer so often being "we're all set," I couldn't blame
>the server for asking that question to everyone without looking at the
>check or the dollar amount to see if the question makes sense. So I
>don't punish the server for asking. I just say "yes, I do need change"
>and tip normally.
I think it's extremely rude for the server to ever ask if the customer wants
change, regardless of the math... what a presumptuous, patronizing concept... I
totally blame management for not properly training the hired help to just bring
the change, *quietly*, and leave the tipping decision entirely to the patron.
And I agree that the server has no idea of the math, they don't even look, if
they actually possessed the ability to make change in their head they wouldn't
be servers.
I always tip the server separately from the bill, cash in their hand. And I
don't necessarilly base the amount of the tip on the cost of the meal... I
think that's a stupid concept... no more is reqired of a server to bring an $8
burger or a $23 porterhouse. In fact I may tip more for the burger... I weigh
a lot of variables but attitude carrys the most weight in making my decision.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."