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"Mark Shaw" > wrote in message
> I've been making pork sausage for a little while with the
> meat-grinding attachments and casing-stuffing cones for
> my KitchenAid mixer, and while I've had good results I'm
> getting pretty disgusted with the throughput of the pro-
> cess. It's not so much the grinding as it is the stuf-
> fing, but I could go for better equipment for both tasks.


> My typical batch so far has been about a couple of pounds,
> but I can see bumping that up to 5 or 10 depending on the
> equipment.

I'm surprised you feel you can do better stuffing than with the Kitchenaide
for the small batches you do. We do the grinding and stuffing in one step
using the Kitchenaide. It is a 2 person job, one to fill and push the
grinder and one to work the casing. The last time we made 40 lbs of polish
sausage with no trouble. This is only a twice a year effort. I wouldn't look
for anything else unless I went up to around a 100lbs or so of sausage
making at one time and I did it often. You're just adding expense for no
obvious payback. Just my opinion.