Melba's Jammin' writes:
(Mrmiss2) wrote:
>> >Anybody know where I can get parts for my MR370 or MR 380 ( not sure
>> >which package) --it's probably 12 years old at least. I could use a new
>> >chopper container and chopper blade (not the blender blade). I asked
>> >at, but it doesn't look like a lot of activity over there.
>> >
>> >Thanks.
>> >--
>> >-Barb, <>
>> -------------------
>> You might consider just getting a new one. I had my local hardware store
>> (a
>> rather small store) order me one for only $20.00
>> Good luck.
>> Nancree
>I suppose. Thanks. There's nothing wrong with the blender -- it's the
>chopping container I'm looking for.
Um, why not just contact Braun directly. However they probably haven't made
that model for many years now and even if they have that part it'll probably
cost you purt-near close to that $20 ... after 12 years I'd be a sport and
treat myself to a new blender... 'cause were it me, with my luck regarding such
situations, I'd no sooner buy that doohicky the blender would die.
The Gillette Company
Braun Consumer Service (for all products except ThermoScan and PrecisionSensor)
1 Gillette Park 4K-16
Boston, MA 02127-1096
Phone Country Code: ++1
Phone: 1-800-BRAUN-11 (1-800-272-8611)
Fax: 800-796-4565
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