On 2004-10-19, Jack Schidt® > wrote:
> I skip all those chain places anyway.....
I do too, for the most part. I've recently discovered a reletively new one
that's not bad, at least so far. It's called Mimi's Cafe and the food if
pretty good quality for a chain. It's primarily a West Coast chain, but I
understand they've just opened up back East. It's a bit pricier ...not too
painfully... than the Applebees and Chilis, but the food is the real deal.
The first time I went I saw a Cobb salad go by and, not having tried one in
decades, I ordered one too. It was huge! It had all the right ingredients
and they were all fresh and of high quality. Real Blue cheese, Haas
avocados, lean bacon, moist chicken breast, etc. It even had real blue
cheese dressing, not that disgusting ranch crud with blue cheese bits in it
....an abomination that far too many restaurants have been foisting off on
the brain-dead public for far too long. It was light years ahead of those
tiresome old chicken-whatever Caesars that have outlived their trendiness.
It was by far the best meat salad I've enjoyed in years, all for $8.
If you see one, give 'em a try. I'm going back.