Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Ellie C" > wrote in message
>>>Old dairy cows will end up in pet food or hamburgers, never a steak.
>>I'm talking about France, not the US. Are you sure this is the case here
>>or are you talking about the US?
> Yes. Can't speak for other countries, but we have enough demand for other
> meat products that we can have the luxury of giving tough old cows a lesser
> place in the food chain.
>>Nope. Can't find it at all, under any name. It simply does not exist in
>>any French supermarket I have been to.
> The sumbitches are hiding it from you.
> http://www.itdg.org/docs/technical_i...ice/papain.pdf
> World trade in papain
> The principal producers of crude papain are Zaire, Tanzania, Uganda and Sri
> Lanka. Most of the
> spray dried papain comes from Zaire.
> The principal importing countries are the United States, Japan, United
> Kingdom, Belgium and
> France. Almost all the best quality papain goes to the United States.
> Crude papain is used, in Britain, in the brewing industry for chillproofing
> beer and lager. However,
> the increasing trend for additive free beers initiated by other European
> countries is taking effect in
> Britain and so this market for papain is declining. Another use for papain
> is in the meat industry
> for the tenderisation of meat and the production of meat tenderising
> powders.
Papain for "...chillproofing beer and lager".
I don't really understand this application. I did a brief search, and
still don't.
But apparently it "tenderizes" the yeast into smaller particles which
prevents a chill haze.
It also tenderizes insect bites.
Beef, beer, bee stings!
Kind of a wonder drug! enzyme?
Dave S
Posting with freaking TBird,
If they keep trying, so will I ;-)