Thread: Organic turkey
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Jeneen Sommers
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On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, Bob wrote:

> My brother mentioned an organic turkey brand by the name of Deitzel?
> Deitsel? He wasn't sure of the spelling. Does anyone what the brand
> is? He said this is one of the better quality turkeys.

Slow Food has an excellent heritage turkey program. See

for background and ordering info, if you're interested. According to
one of the organizers of the heritage turkey program:

"I don't like to be negative, but watch out for turkeys advertised as
Heritage breeds which aren't. Diestel Turkey ranch is raising an older breed
called the Orlop strain of Broad-Breasted Bronze turkey. This is the
predecessor of the Broad Breasted White. It's essentially a white, but with
brown feathers. These turkeys were developed by Orlop Turkeys and others in
the 1930's. They can't mate naturally. They do not mature like true Heritage
Turkeys and they don't taste as good. Diestel is by far the largest
independent turkey producer in Northern California. Patrick and I approached
them in 2002 to raise real Heritage Turkeys but they went in their own
direction instead."
