In article . com>,
> Hi,
> Currently, I pick at slices of whole wheat bread to make my bread
> crumbs. How can I speed this up? I want the crumbs to be small.
> Thanx,
> Ed Stuart
Whenever I need breadcrumbs (as I did last weekend for the veal alla
Milanese) I simply put the oven on a very low temp (Gas Mark 1, in my
case). Then I throw whatever bread I want to make the crumbs from into
the food processor. Pulse until it won't get any finer, then put onto a
baking tray. Pop the tray into the oven for until the crumbs are dry and
crunchy (mine took an hour and a half). Stir from time to time. When the
breadcrumbs are to your liking, remove from the oven and, if you want
very fine crumbs, put them back into the food processor to pulverise
further. If you need breadcrumbs of a uniform(ish) size, put the results
through a sieve.