>"Jack Schidt®" writes:
>"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
. com...
>> "SCUBApix" > wrote in message
>>> I'm surprised you feel you can do better stuffing than with the
>>> Kitchenaide
>>> for the small batches you do. We do the grinding and stuffing in one step
>>> using the Kitchenaide. It is a 2 person job, one to fill and push the
>>> grinder and one to work the casing.
>> I used the KA for a number of years and finally got fed up with it.
>> Bought a 5 pound stuffer from the Sausagemaker. It is about $205 now. I
>> can do a 4 or 5 pound batch by myself in half the time and get a better
>> link.
>> It is not cheap, but over the years it has been well worth it for me.
>> We usually make 15 to 20 pounds of assorted sausages in a day.
>I think it's sound economics to purchase tools as 'this is the last one of
>these I'll be buying'. Cheap is expensive in the long run.
>Jack Economics101
Generally true but not always... when trying out a new endeaver it's sage to be
a minimalist until such time it's realized the new endeaver will become a
serious enterprise, or not... like I've had a $500 worth of golf clubs for over
15 years, used them once and realized golf is not for me and never used them
again, shoulda bought the set advertised on sale for $89, in fact shoulda
rented the first time.
I don't suggest anyone run out and buy a $500 meat grinder right off, in fact
unless one intends to grind meat on a commercial basis then such a machine is
not only wasteful, it'll become just another cumbersome/HEAVY "thing" to haul
around, like my golf clubs. The most I've been offered for my used clubs has
been $100, which is probably the most anyone will offer for a used $500
commercial grinder. For home use no one needs spend more than $100-$150 for an
electric grinder... they look nice, take up little space, weigh under ten
pounds, and will easily grind meat as fast as you can feed it... no home
kitchen needs a seventy pound behemoth meat mangler under any circumstance...
those monster units are for where meat will be ground by the hundreds of pounds
a day, every day.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."