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Nancy Young
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Default Leaf peeping ...

.... or not, really.

Ron took me on a long ride yesterday, a yearly custom, up to
NW New Jersey. Always a fun ride. My idea of a day. Drive drive
drive, blah blah blah ... now we're on the back roads. Well, I
don't know if we're going to have a good leaf season this year.
Still, even if all the trees were still green, it's my idea of a
day if I'm being driven around to see the sights.

So, looking at all this property no normal person could afford, I
glanced at the clock. Hmmmm, noon. You know what's on my mind.

Hey, what's that place? A *gorgeous* stone building. Long Valley
Pub and Brewery! Get OUT. SCreeeeech. (just kidding, we drove
past it and turned around) Terrific place inside and out. I asked
the bartender, was this really a barn at some point? Yup. It was
just gorgeous, all that stonework. I kidded with the guy, yeah,
you feel a draft, just go grab some grout and fill in the hole.

At any rate, I had fish n chips, he brought me malt vinegar with it,
thanks! Well, let me tell you, it came with a huge amount of fish
and the chips were enormous waffle fries. I was in heaven.

Almost forgot, a section of the bar jutted out and there were two
guys playing backgammon and could sit across from each other. Just
a really cool place. And they had pinot grigio, hello.

More driving around beautiful countryside and home james it was.
My idea of a great day.
