> Goomba38 writes:
>PENMART01 wrote:
>>>When would one need fresh bread crumbs rather than
>>>dried? I have always used dried crumbs.
>> Fresh crumbs are often used in meat balls/meat loaf, pre-moistened they
>> absorb as much grease as dry crumbs and make for a more tender/moist
>Hmmmmm.... I've only ever used dried. I'll try
>those next time I do meatballs or loaf. Actually,
>for my meatloaf I've always used oats.
Because the crumbs are dry they're more absorbant... oatmeal is super absorbant
so I'd only use it with fairly lean meat. Fresh bread crumbs means from fresh
bread, not stale bread. Some folks tear slices of fresh bread into bits with
their fingers, then soak them in milk and then squeeze out the excess milk...
too messy for me.... I drizzle the bread with liquid and pass it through the
grinder along with the meat One of my favorite filler/binders to use for meat
loaf is grated raw potato, adds moisture/absorbs no fat... I grind the potato
along with the meat, just scrubbed, no point in peeling.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."