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I, too, am a great fan of British comedy! Onslo is a prince of a man
under all that exterior, and Richard is truly a saint. Anyhow, I also
love As Time Goes By, and wonder if there is an American equivalent of
a custard tart that excites Lionel so.

Robt Englund > wrote in message .>...
> In article >,
> says...
> > It has finally occurred to me that someone here might have the answer to
> > something that has been puzzling me for quite some time.
> >
> > I'm a fan of Britcoms, my favorite being "Keeping Up Appearances." In
> > it, Hyacinth's brother-in-law Onslow often asks for a "bacon bottie."
> > (sp?)
> >
> > What on earth is that?????

> Not bottie, but buttie. It's basically a hot sandwich. British bacon,
> unless one specifies "streaky bacon", usually means back bacon, or
> sometimes middle bacon. The bacon is cooked and made into a sandwich
> while still hot. I prefer mine plain, though many people add sauce,
> either red (i.e., catsup) or brown.
> RobertE