In article >, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:
> "hw" > wrote in
> > Help....I've put my RFC cookbook in a very secure place...which means
> > I can't find it. I would like to make a batch of your orgasmic
> > brownies, to be sold by the ladies (of a certain age...youngest at
> > least 75) at the Israel Levin Senior Center, in Venice, CA., for a
> > fund raiser bake sale. Would you please re-post the recipe.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Harriet & critters (jj the world famous jack russell terrior who is
> > asleep in his closet; pk the lady manx who rules the house and who is
> > currently under the chair by the window)
> As Barb would likely say, Google is your friend...
Don't be putting words in my mouth! "-)
Interesting, too, is that the first two lines of that post (the one from
June 2002) are missing. Here they a
"Move oven rack to center and preheat oven to 350° F. Line a 9x13"
metal baking pan with parchment paper."
Might as well make the note, too, that they also won the blue ribbon at
the State Fair in 2002. (*^;^*) Don't overbake them, Harriet.
> Reposted from a repost in June 2000. Buy the book!
> Barb Schaller's Famous Orgasmic Chocolate Brownies
(recipe snipped)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Barb, <> Updated 10-09-04; Sam I Am!.
"Peace will come when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
-Jimi Hendrix, and Lt. Joe Corcoran, Retired; St. Paul PD, Homicide Divn.