The best recipe for a bacon sarnie is as follows, Thick slices of bacon
fried in a pan. Fresh, thickly-cut white bread & Houses of Parliament brown
sauce or tomato sauce. After frying the bacon, remove from pan. Spread
tomato or brown sauce on bread, & place bread in pan until all juices are
soaked up... Enjoy!
Chef R. W. Miller
Marriott Resorts & Hotels
> wrote in message
> It has finally occurred to me that someone here might have the answer to
> something that has been puzzling me for quite some time.
> I'm a fan of Britcoms, my favorite being "Keeping Up Appearances." In
> it, Hyacinth's brother-in-law Onslow often asks for a "bacon bottie."
> (sp?)
> What on earth is that?????
> Thanks!