"Peter Aitken" > writes:
>It's buttie. Nothing more than bacon rashers (slices) fried up and put
>between bread. The bread can be used to mop up the grease from cooking the
>bacon. It is perhaps traditionally made from the least desirable part of the
>bacon, with more fat and less meat. Poor people's food to be sure.
I, personally, when the butler's got the day off, grill four slices of
dry cure back bacon from M&S whilst warming two sliced bagels in the
oven. Plus I also scramble two eggs; then open the bagels put two
rashers of grilled bacon on each (sometimes even put a few spinach
leaves underneath) then put the scrambled eggs on top, put the top of
the bagel back on...et voila!
Sure beats some crappy egg McYucky from you-know-who?