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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >,

> Dave Smith wrote:

> > Franfogel wrote:
> > I used to bake stuff for the bake sale
> > at my son's school. Then I found out that the were selling the
> > stuff for less than it cost me to make them. Nuts to that. All I
> > was doing was providing someone with cheap baked goods and the
> > school was getting the money.

> I had the same experience with our high school PTO. The teachers
> sponsor a huge craft sale in early Nov. with the booth rental $$$
> going to a scholarship fund for kids who want to major in education
> in college. The PTO has a bake sale table and donates the proceeds
> to the scholarship fund. Too many times I have made or seen cakes
> that cost ~$8 or more to make being sold for $2.50. I'd rather donate
> the cost of the ingredients.

> gloria p

Ugh. I like the fundraiser I participate in. A consignment-type thing
- they get 25%. I've sold a pint of B&B pickles for $6 -- and the least
expensive jar of jam or jelly I sell is $3.25 for a half-pint jar. I
like pricing it myself -- if it doesn't sell, I don't mind, but I can't
afford to give it away. This year's sale is about 3 weeks away and I
have fewer than 40 jars left for that sale. (Yeay!!) I'll be glad to
get it out of the house! I have no trouble selling a loaf (1-1/4
pounds) of homemade white bread for $5. Cheap ingredients but some
time involved.
-Barb, <> Updated 10-22-04; Popovers!.
"Peace will come when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
-Jimi Hendrix, and Lt. Joe Corcoran, Retired; St. Paul PD, Homicide Divn.