On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 13:59:15 -0400, Kate Connally >
>This past weekend I decided to make burritos de
>carnitas. I had a pork shoulder roast in the freezer
>that I had gotten when they were on sale a month or
>so ago. Here are the recipes I used. The carnitas
>recipe was a new one that I decided to experiment with.
>The salsa recipe was also new. Both turned out great.
Yummy sounding recipe snipped and most happily saved!
>(Notes: This being my first time with a mango I was not
>sure how to make sure I got a ripe one. Plus there's that
>whole thing with getting the flesh off the pit that I've
>heard about, so I bought the DelMonte mango in a jar in the
>refrig. section. Also, I added about a cup of diced fresh
>pineapple and reduced the mango by about half. I wasn't
>sure what the oil was doing in the recipe but I used it
>anyway. I didn't like the sound of so much vinegar what
>with all the lime juice (I don't like things too sour) so
>I only added 2 T. wine vinegar. Might just leave it out
>altogether next time. Didn't bother to add the cilantro
>either as I'm not a big fan and I would either have had to
>pay a fortune at the supermarket or go to the Indian market
>and I wasn't up for another, and out-of-the-way, stop when
>I did my shopping. I never missed it. I'll eat the stuff
>if it's in things but I often just leave it out of things
>I make at home. For chileheads you might want to add another
>jalapeno. I just use one largish one, seeded and ribs removed.
>It had a nice bite, to my taste, but not hot enough to make
>me cry. I prefer to remain dry-eyed while dining.)
>So I made everything on the weekend but I had forgotten
>to buy the tortillas so I didn't actually eat it until last
>night. One thing to note about the salsa. I put juice
>and all in my burritos and ended up with juice running down
>my arms. Tonight I think I'll use a slotted serving spoon
>to spoon some salsa on the burrito bite by bite. But I'll
>have to think of some way to use the excess juice as it's
>quite tasty. Maybe I can use it as a salad dressing after
>the burritos are gone. The carnitas meat heats up nicely
>in the broiler. I just put a portion in a recycled aluminum
>pie pan and broil at 450 for about 8-10 minutes. Crisps
>up nicely. I'm wondering if that whole milk thing was to
>help add crispness to it as milk contains sugar. Anyway,
>can't wait to get home for dinner tonight (and tomorrow
>night, and Thursday, and Friday . . . .)
Oh Kate!
Thanks soooo much for posting this recipe!!! It sounds
just exactly like the one I saw on a PBS cooking show over ten
years ago. Saved the recipe, tried it and it was great
Then lost the recipe in a move. Now I have it again!!!!
Thanks sooo much! BTW, the chef who was doing the cooking
did indeed say the the purpose of the milk was to help crisp
the meat.
Thanks again,
Sue D.