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> "Mike Pearce" writes:
>>"PENMART01" wrote:
>>> "Mike Pearce" wrote?
>>>I've got a bottom freezer and I'm 6'3". One of the benefits of the bottom
>>>freezer is that the refrigerator section is up higher. Since I'm in and
>>>of the refrigerator much more than the freezer it's nice not to have to
>>>stoop to get stuff off the lower shelves.

>> But you don't mind stooping even lower to rummage through that awkward and
>> *inefficient* roll-out freezer basket?

>Given how often I'm in the freezer vs. the refrigerator I'll take the
>bottom-mounted freezer when it comes to stooping inconvenience. I'm in and
>out of the refrigerator many times during the day but only go into the
>freezer on occasion.
>I don't find using the roll-out basket any more awkward than using a
>standard top-mounted freezer.

Well, then you're an anomoly. The vast majority don't like bottom freezers
(for many various and sundry reasons), evidenced by how the vast majority of
fridge manufacturers no longer offer those and haven't for many years.

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