On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 17:27:17 +0000, Pinot >
scribbled some thoughts:
NOTE: Best viewed in a fixed pitch font
>Halterb wrote:
>> I would like to have olive oil based mayonnaise. I've tried several recipes,
>> but they don't come out like commercial mayonnaise--they are yellowish
>Hell, mayonnaise is supposed to be yellowish, that's the
>good quality mayonnaise. Industry try to to save on eggs to
>lower the cost of production, and that's why their
>mayonnaise is so pale, sick.
>> and very liquid, about like vinegar and oil salad dressing. How do you get
>> it to be white and spreadable like commercial products?
>I don't know this. Try to mix ingredients faster and longer.
>Add oil slowly, almost drop by drop.
Perhaps they use egg whites?
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