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Shawn Hearn
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In article >,
Puester > wrote:

> Do you have a traditional meal you serve on election night?
> I've always made beef stew and corn muffins until 2000 which
> was the first presidential election I worked as an election
> official from 6AM-8PM or so.
> I think we'll have it Monday night this year.

I don't have a traditional meal, but I do have an election tradition.
Its something I have done ever since I reached adulthood. I take a
vacation day on election day and the day after for presidential
elections. The polls for my voting district are in the lobby of the
apartment building where I live. I usually get up fairly early to beat
the rush at the polls, and I vote, then I go out to a local diner
for breakfast and I pick up all the local newspapers. After breakfast, I
plop down in my recliner, turn on the TV news and read my newspapers and
I also scan the web for news about the election. That's what I have done
every year for at since Bush the elder first ran for office. For dinner,
I usually send out for pizza or a Philly cheese steak. I usually don't
cook anything because I like to concentrate on watching/reading the news
on election day and the day after.