"Gregory Morrow" > wrote in message ink.net>...
> > > There was nothing wrong with him. I think it was actually the stupid hot
> > > chick that made me dislike the show. I'm starting to realize that ALL
> > > cooking shows are aimed at people who haven't a clue in the kitchen.
> > > When, if ever, will we get an 'advanced cooking' show? It seems most
> > > just regurgitate the same old stuff week to week.
> >
> > Ahem..."Good Eats". AB gives you more than a step-by-step how to make a
> dish
> > show; he teaches you how to get from A to B, how to sidestep B to get to
> C,
> > and why going from A to B can take different routes with their own pros
> and
> > cons.
> There are also apparently some good ones on PBS stations...
> The Food Network these daze has about as much serious content as the Game
> Show Network...
I agree. I don't watch anything but Good Eats anymore, though I will
have to keep my eyes out for when they air the episode of All-American
Festivals that they just filmed at our state fair last week.
I only watch on PBS the show My Hero these days. Not much worth
watching television anymore...