On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 08:13:46 +0200, Mike Tommasi >
>On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 00:17:34 GMT, Vino > wrote:
>>Of course in the EU the phrase is
>>not required at all regardless of the proportion, leading many people
>>to tell me in all sincerity that European winemakers don't use
>>sulfites and that that is why they didn't get headaches from drinking
>>wines on their latest trip to Europe but still get them from American
>Well, that adds fuel to the argument that headaches have nothing to do
>with sulfites. Sulfites are used in Europe.
I've always enjoyed the "headaches are caused by sulfites" argument.
From my earliest student days I've always associated headaches with my
own choice of drinking to excess, be it silly things like a night of
tequila slammers (then) or opening that second bottle of port and then
rounding off the evening with Islay malt (now).
The sulfite argument always seems to be down to people who either
can't take responsibility for their own actions and always need to
blame someone else.
Of course they didn't get a headache in Europe because no one who knew
them were there to see them get sh*tfaced drunk. Back home they
weren't in that state at all, it was an allergic reaction to the
sulfites or something :-)
James Dempster (remove nospam to reply by email)
You know you've had a good night
when you wake up
and someone's outlining you in chalk.