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Dave Smith
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Alex Rast wrote:

> >Being sued can be a big deal. It can put companies out of business.

> Perhaps, then, that's what's necessary. If a few companies went
> spectacularly out of business over frivolous lawsuits that somehow found a
> generous judge, then that might create enough of a stir that people would
> start to realise how damaging and unproductive frivolous lawsuits were.
> That might help to put a brake on the lawsuits, if there were enough public
> outrage. The basic point is, Lawsuits Happen. It's pointless to go to
> obsessive lengths to stop them - it's a bit like carrying an umbrella
> everywhere you go, even on a brilliantly sunny day, just because it might
> rain, or perhaps like moving to Death Valley because you're afraid of
> getting wet.

On the contrary, due diligence can be a defense in a law suit. Failure to do
otherwise may be deemed to be negligence.