>The Joneses:
>PENMART01 wrote:
>> all I could smell was cardboard, there wasn't even a hint of spice aroma.
>> soon as I looked at the big bag of bay leaves
>Sounds like y'all had a bad day. I guess I'm just lucky. Most of the herbs
>& some
>spices I can grow, even got a vanilla vine. No beans yet, just the vine.
>my bay leaf tree is 30 feet tall and needs more pruning. Shall I send you a
>full? It smells a great deal spicier than anything I can buy fer sure.
Thank you, but it's not just about the bay leaves, this incident is
representitive of how the quality has deteriorated with all the rest of Penzeys
products too... I mean like 3 out of the 5 items I ordered were losers, but I
haven't tried the peppercorns yet so who knows, and I don't really know how to
judge if msg is up to par... who knows what other white powder they cut it
with. hehe I never minded paying Penzeys prices so long as I was receiving
top shelf quality. Okay, so I complained, but now I wonder how many don't
complain and maybe don't know better, so there could be many thousands each day
receiving inferior merchandise and they've paid premium prices. This is not
right, it translates to a giant windfall for Penzeys. And that is why I am
truly hoping my post has alerted folks to be more discriminating. Penzeys will
send me preplacements but I'm pretty certain they will be specially picked from
their freshest stock, in hopes my complaint will go no further, but then I've
solved nothing and helped no one... Penzeys needs to be reminded of how
powerful a resource the internet is and not just one way, for them to sell more
product. I suppose as with all companys, once the business volume passes some
certain point the product quality has to suffer, and Penzeys has passed that
point of diminishing returns regarding quality... I think they are now passing
off the same *old* crapola you can buy at the stupidmarket for 1/3 their
prices. When companys get so big that the're required to buy and keep a huge
amount of stock they can't really afford to dump the unsold portion as its
useful shelf life expires. It's definitely not the same Penzeys anymore.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."