Dave Smith > wrote:
>Derek Lyons wrote:
>> Dave Smith > wrote:
>> >I used to bake stuff for the bake sale
>> >at my son's school. Then I found out that the were selling the stuff for less than
>> >it cost me to make them. Nuts to that. All I was doing was providing someone with
>> >cheap baked goods and the school was getting the money.
>> Um. That's the *point* of it.
>Sure, the point was for the school to get to money. They could have made a lot more if
>they had charged what the stuff was worth, or at least as much as it cost to make.
More likely they'd have made less, or at best about the same... And
had a whole of unsold baked goods at the end of the day. These aren't
gourmet shops.
Touch-twice life. Eat. Drink. Laugh.
-Resolved: To be more temperate in my postings.
Oct 5th, 2004 JDL