Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, Margaret Suran
> > wrote:
>>Minutes after I posted about the celebration dinner and the main
>>course in honor of Curt Schilling, I found out that my idol has feet
>>of clay.
> Damn! Don't you hate when that happens?
> He will appear with George Bush and appeal to the general
>>voting population to vote for him.
> Sure, I'd vote for Schilling. A pro baseball player couldn't be any
> worse than a pro wrestler for a governor. Not possibly worse.
>>A man whom I admired when he pitched two games under the most
>>horrific physical condition, to get the Championship for the Boston
>>Red Sox, the team from the State of which a senator is the Democratic
>> presidential rival, a man who I hope will be our next president.
>>Naturally, I immediately decided to give up on the sausage dinner and
>>went back to the former menu, namely left over chicken and pasta.
>>That will learn Schilling!!!! I am a woman of principle.
> Indeedyou are. Principally a wino.
>>Just wait until he finds out about it.
> OK, Margaret, who's your Man in Boston? Sic him on him.
Thank you, Barbara, I knew you would find a way to straighten this
out. Schilling decided not to get into politics and canceled his
appearance. I know that you fixed it, even if he said that the Red
Sox management did not approve and later on it was said that his
doctor did not allow it.
We here on rfc all know that it was our Barbara who fixed it. Thank
you, we won't even ask how you accomplished this.

Damon is Da Man for me on the Boston Red Sox Team! Did you really
need to ask?
Thank you all for your kind words when I was so disappointed. M