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  #49 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Derek Lyons" wrote:
> More likely they'd have made less, or at best about the same... And
> had a whole of unsold baked goods at the end of the day. These aren't
> gourmet shops.

Precisely. These are fundraisers, not businesses.

Over the last several months, I've participated in many bake sales to raise
money for causes ranging from Alzheimer's Disease to Christmas gifts for
nursing home residents to relief for a family whose son had just been
killed. I baked AND I bought. I baked with knowledge that my effort was a
means to a charitable end, and not toward breaking even. And when I bought,
I knew that the items were packaged short and undersold to encourage more
buying. Most providers and purchasers at bake sales know these things and
realize that sometimes there is simply no return on an investment.

Personally, there is nothing in it for me other than knowing that I've done
what I can do.

There's a peculiar mentality driving society these days... defining
everything monetarily...

<it sounds like a monstrous real-life C. Montgomery Burns, sometimes>