In article >, "D.Currie"
> wrote:
> It could be that there's some other issue at the school that hasn't
> been made public. Maybe one parent who can't abide by "no peanuts"
> rules -- I've seen that sort of thing before -- people who believe
> that other people's health issues are imaginary, and if they don't
> see it, it won't hurt them. The school can't embarrass or point out
> the one nutcase in the group, so they change the rules for everyone.
While I think it is ridiculous to say that my son can't have a pb & j
in his own lunch box when they already have strictly enforced rules
about no sharing, we don't send them. We also don't send cookies with
nuts in them, even though they are better, and we don't send peanut
butter cracker snacks (though that's what is in his earthquake kit,
because it was before we were told about the rule). It is ridiculous to
make your allergy my responsibility, beyond asking me to let you know
that something might have nuts in it. If the person would really die
from miniscule amounts of nut dust, then _anything_ from our home is
unsafe, because we don't keep our baking stuff and nuts and peanut
butter all encapsulated and sterile and segregated from everything else.
I still wonder how all these people who are deathly allergic to nuts
even manage to get through a grocery store or bakery alive.
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