Trader Joe's
dognospam@adjfkdla;not (Dog3) writes....
>Our 1st Trader Joe's had the grand
>opening on Friday...I think I'm going to
>mosey over there tomorrow and have a
Good for you! I could have enjoyed my first TJ's shopping trip last
month, were it not for the fact I chose to go to the wrong one. I live
near the Palm Springs, CA area, and when visiting my doctor or the
needle work shop I go to I'd not yet found time to go to the TJ's I
should have. The two stores are in neighboring towns about a 15 minute
drive apart. The one I went to was a surprise find when I did have the
time, and it was poorly stocked and a downright mess inside. I told a
TJ frequenting work friend about it, and she assured me that the "other"
one is definately the superior one.
The one I went to did have one lonely container of baby gouda that I was
glad to find for an experiment, somewhat. I wanted to try out the
storage method I learned here, the one telling to simply change the
storage water weekly to keep the cheese freshest. Works wonderfully,
thank you!
Picky ~JA~