Fired as a dishwasher.
I was a dishwasher in my teens. I worked in a French restaurant. The
owner had a morning TV show. He was a big, fat, bossy sob.
One night, he walked back into the kitchen with three bottles of wine
and told me to take the labels off the bottles.
I filled a pail with hot water and soaked the bottles in it for 1/2
hour, then peeled the labels off, tossed them away and sat the bottles
on the shelf to dry.
Later, the owner came in and asked for the labels. I said "you told me
to take the labels off the bottles" and presented him with three fine,
shining wine bottles.
If you recall cartoon characters turning beet red with steam coming out
of their ears, that was the owner.
On payday, I got a check with a note stating "we are no longer in need
of your services."
To this day, I laugh at his stupidity for resting his rare wine label
collection in the hands of a lowly dishwasher.
I think of him whenever I have a glass of house wine! :-P