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Dog3 <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
> Our 1st Trader Joe's had the grand opening on Friday. It is not too far
> from my house. I've seen the store mentioned in threads in the past. What
> do the people that shop there think about it? I'm leafing through their
> Grand Opening brochure and they have what looks to be some very decent
> items. Except the 60% brie. It does not sound so good to me. The prices
> look pretty good too. Not low but not as high as Straub's. I think I'm
> going to mosey over there tomorrow and have a look-see.
> Michael
We have one near where we rent DVD's. I don't go there often, but
usually can get some good buys when I do. Last week I got a 24-oz. box
of Barbara's cereal for less than what the local markets charge for a
16-oz. box of same. If you can buy wine in supermarkets in MO, you can
stock up on 2-buck Chuck (Charles Shaw wines). Here in Seattle it's
3-buck Chuck, but still a bargain. My main gripe with TJ's is that you
can't buy a single green pepper; you have to buy produce in their
C.J. Fuller
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