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  #70 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> Exactly! Why do peanut M & M's have to have labelling that says they
>might contain nuts. I sure hope they do, that's why I bought them. If
>someone is too stupid to buy peanut something or cashew something and
>then sue because they went into the hospital because of their known nut
>allergy, it should be thrown out of court. I do think that the
>labelling on things that aren't obviously nut products is useful, but it
>has gotten insane.
> Regards,
> Ranee (who is allergic to abalone, so they shouldn't allow it at
>seafood restaurants)

Have you looked at ingredient labels on bakery products lately? They'll list
all the ingredients like they're suppose to and then right under it it'll say
contains wheat, eggs, nuts, etc. Why do they have to put it on there twice.
It's already listed in the ingredient label?
Incidentally, my mom is allergic to salmon. So far she has managed to close
down 3 Red Lobsters in our city because they wouldn't cater to her whims and
remove salmon from the menu. (Just kidding on that last part.)