Susan Edkins wrote:
> "limey" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message >
>> FB wrote: >
>>>> Does anyone have a simple receipe for Clotted Cream and not
>>>> the Cooked version please. I have found one that uses Cream
>>>> and Sour Cream but this is for more of a lite dessert, Any
>>>> ideas folks
>>>> Greg
>>> In a word, no. Authentic Clotted Cream can only be made using
>>> heat and is made with nothing more than un-homoginzed and,
>>> preferably, un-pasteurized whole milk. Nothing else produces
>>> Clotted Cream.
>>> Wayne in Phoenix
>> Agreed.
>> Dora
> I have no idea how good this is, but Alton Brown has a no-cook
> technique. He pours heavy cream in a coffee-filter basket (with
> paper filter liner) and refrigerates. The whey drips into a
> container below and you scrape the "clotted" cream out of the
> coffee filter.
That's not really clotted cream. It's just a more concentrated milkfat.