Mary had something important to tell us on 21 Oct 2004 15:52:54 -0700:
>I, too, am a great fan of British comedy! Onslo is a prince of a man
>under all that exterior, and Richard is truly a saint. Anyhow, I also
>love As Time Goes By, and wonder if there is an American equivalent of
>a custard tart that excites Lionel so.
Custard tarts are well worth getting excited about... a shortpastry
shell with an egg-custard baked in it, sprinkled with nutmeg. MMmm....
~Karen AKA Kajikit
Lover of shiny things...
Made as of 24th October 2004 - 123 cards, 66 SB pages, 20 digital SB pages, 78 decos
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